Most likely you aren't earning any more hearts because you have earned the max number for one day (100). We put that limit up to prevent people from just refreshing their tab page continually, which actually hinders the amount we can make for charity due to the problems it causes with our advertisers!
Because advertisers pay money to display those ads just to be viewed, then more to be clicked on..
If you just refresh a tab multiple times over multiple tabs it means you aren't seeing those ads effectively. So the advertisers are basically wasting money. And they don't like that. ;P
Is it now 250 tabs per day?
Why does opening a lot of tabs at once hinder the amount of money you make?
But what if i open a new tab and then close it very fast like every four seconds for 8 hours will that help them raise more money?
I did that using applescript you seeee
You don't even need to use programming. You just need to add an extension that refresh the page every set amount of seconds. I used "Auto Refresh" for chrome. Seems like the max amount of hearts depends on the level.
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