Whitelisting the new tab page on your adblocker ensures we can show you ads on Tab for a Cause (and that you raise money for charity). Please visit and follow the instructions on this page: https://tab.gladly.io/adblockers/
Please note that there are a few adblockers that are not compatible with Tab for a Cause at the moment. Ghostery, Adguard, and Avira do not work on either browser, Adblock Plus is currently not working on Firefox (though should be fixed soon). If you are currently using one of those adblockers, we can highly recommend Ublock Origin as a free, open source, and fast adblocker that works well with Tab for a Cause.
Adblock Plus doesn't see new tabs as domains so I am not able to put it on my white list.
I have the same problem, when I open a new tab AdBlock doesn't recognise it as a white-listed site and blocks the ads.
The link to https://tab.gladly.io/newtab/ is white-listed, but opening a new tab doesn't show a domain or any options to unblock it.
Hello all!
This is a problem with AdBlock Plus on the newest version of Firefox. We have reached out to them about the issue, but unfortunately, it is something we can't solve ourselves. We appreciate your patience as we wait for a resolution. In the meantime, you could switch to an adblocker that is compatible such as Ublock Origin (open source, fast, effective).
Thanks again for your patience!
Having the same problem; no ads appearing on firefox with Adblock Plus. Can't seem to whitelist new tabs.
Thanks for the reply, Alex.
EDIT: switched to uBlock Origin, and things are working just fine!
Hi V, the page wasn't working for a few hours today – sorry about that! It should be working now. Let me know if it still causes you any problems.
Hey Hawk,
Actually, when Adblock Plus (and most adblockers) block ads, the advertiser never pays for the view. From an advertisers perspective, it is as though adblocked users never visit our site. Thanks!
Alex, I should clarify that I'm using Adblock Plus and still accumulating hearts for opening tabs.
the link https://tab.gladly.io/more/adblockers does not work, it just shows a blank page for me
Perhaps you should disable Tab For A Cause when Adblock Plus is detected, or advertisers will abandon you if they find out they're paying for no views, I imagine.
Yeah same here. I wonder why ABP hasn't fixed it yet, though (apparently it's been two years)? I don't want to switch plugins but if they are causing you to be ripped off (crediting hearts even though I'm unable to view the ads by any means, regardless of intent), I might have to. Where did you reach out to ABP Alex? I'd like to bump the thread if possible
Actually, even if I disable ABP, I still don't seem to see ads regardless of the time of day. I know ghostry can also block ads (though I was at least able to whitelist your page in it), so I tried disabling that as well, and I still don't seem to be getting ads. Is there anything else I can try? I hate to be costing you guys money, even if it doesn't seem to be my fault or that of any of my addoffs (get it? Ad-offs/add-ons? No? I'm sorry, I'll... I'll show myself out...)
Hey Phillip! (Solid pun :). Have you tried disabling all other extensions besides Tab for a Cause? Sometimes, other extensions can unexpectedly interfere with ads, too. It's also possible, but less likely, that there's something like a VPN blocking the ads, which is harder to fix.
If that doesn't work, please feel free to reach out at contact@tabforacause.org and we can try to help debug. If you can't get it working, no worries and no need to feel bad—we still appreciate your tabs and support!
@Kevin, I just tried disabling everything now, and even disabled Mozilla's built-in tracking protection as suggested in one of your other articles... but no luck
I guess I'll open the ticket, though I'm not exactly confident you'll be able to help. I think my browser is just doing the x64 program equivalent of giving me the finger at this point
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